Data-led improvement of water quality and processing

Environmental & catchment monitoring
Pollutant and nutrient monitoring in surface waters including rivers, lakes, reservoirs and coastal areas.
To further understanding of surface water health & dynamics and for early detection of spillage or agricultural run-off events to guide remedial and preventive action.
Effluent monitoring
Monitoring outflow at municipal wastewater treatment plants, industrial plants and combined sewer overflows (CSOs).
For spillage detection and legislative compliance, including Environment Act 2021, Section 82.

Process control
Measurement of incoming and outgoing levels of key parameters in water and wastewater processing, fish farming, aquaponics etc.
For improved, ideally closed-loop process control, to reduce chemicals, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions such as nitrous oxide.
Limitless applications
There is no limit to where our water sensors can make a difference, here are just three more examples:
- Surface mapping of nutrient profiles in rivers & lakes to identify where spillage/run-off occurs and intervention is needed
- Measurement of effectiveness of nature-based solutions to improve water quality
- Quantification for use in nutrient trading schemes
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